Friday, January 26, 2007

khao san

yesterday was classic. the plan: see the emerald buddha. reality: barely got away from khao san road. we asked five drivers yesterday to take us to wat phrao (emerald buddha and grand palace). we were 0-5. instead, the tuk tuk drivers just took us wherever they wanted us to go. we were in random neighborhoods, trinket shops, and everywhere in between. tuk tuk drivers aren't the classiest of folks. so, we had a blast on khao san road instead. today though we finally reached the palace. it was much much bigger than we had anticipated. hopefully the pictures will do it some justice. the emerald buddha was found 600 years ago by a monk. a lightning bolt sruck a temple splitting a section in the floor. beneath the floor, the monk found a buddha wrapped in plaster; which when removed, revealed the emerald buddha. apparently pointing your feet at the buddha is frowned on. and by the way, standing to look at it while not forward is tough. good thing we are excellent duck-feet-standers. we are biding our time a bit before we fly to cambodia tomorrow (we think we are at least). the plan there will be to rent mopeds and drive into the jungle. yep, mopeds + jungle = soon (sorry mom, we have no choice for alternative transportation). to our readers: thanks for the comments - they are a blast to read. jen: coy says to send the blog out to others via the blackberry.


Jennifer Coy said...

I am so glad that you found the Emerald Buddha. I love being able to see pictures of you while you are on the other side of the world. This whole trip sounds amazing. I think that I would like most of the adventures minus the plane ride and the no hotel reservations. Chris take lots of pictures since I hear that my husband broke my camera...not surprising.
Mike- I will take care of the mission that you gave me with the Blackberry. Already sent it to my contacts.

Love to you both,
Jen & Baby Alden

Mitch said...

Mike, your facial hair is pathetic! Fortunately there are enough neat things behind you in the pictures to take the focus away from your face. You look like a rockstar who's been playing shows at the Stardust for too long. Hurry up and get to Angor already! That's all I want to see. Your dedication to the posts is great guys. Keep up the good work.

Kevin Tharp said...

..........on the edge of my seat waiting for the Angor report. You've lost the 'American look' with the scruff and bandanas...., easier to blend into a crowd.

Given your earier description of the driving conditions.., we'll throw a substantial prayer out while you're navigating the Mopeds.


Unknown said...

Hey, I'm actually going to be in Cambodia on Monday. Maybe we can meet up.

Have fun and Mike how come you never post?

Cindi Coy said...

Okay... now I am nervous. Mopeds INTO the Jungle?? Mikey, remember Jen and Princess... and be extra safe. And I have to disagree with Mitch about your facial hair. I love it and your curls under the bandana. It's a good look for you, although baby Alden will not let you kiss her until you shave I am sure! Can't wait till you get home and tell us all of your tales. Be extra safe in Cambodia and get home in one piece.
Love, Mom

Matty said...

That was Mike with the bandana? I thought it was the lead singer of Creedence Clearwater Revival and you wanted to get a good shot. I love how Cindi calls you Mikey. So cute. Cindi, thanks for supplying me with torture ammunition. Mike, your love of pirates almost became very ironic when those boats pulled up to yours.

We are thinking about you guys every day and look forward to new posts (I think I clicked "refresh" like 3 times yesterday in the IE window looking for the next post - I think that means I am somewhat pathetic, oh well, I can deal).

I can't wait to see all of the pictures (cuz you know there is no way I will ever deal with the stuff you guys have!).

Be safe!

Matty and Savannah

Matty said...

Hi. Mrs. Wolach here. I don't have a gmail account, so I'm taking over Matt's.

Wow - your trip looks truly amazing. I cannot wait to see more pictures. Remember when people used to take pictures with a 35mm and then turn those pictures into slides? They'd invite people to their house, serve drinks, turn down the lights, and their guests would enjoy a slideshow from the trip. Now, don't think I'm a dork - but I would LOVE it if you did that! You wouldn't have to turn your pictures into slides, you could just use your computer and a projector. Mike, something to think about...(and yes, I am being totally serious).

Enjoy the last few days of your amazing trip and travel safely. We miss you and can't wait to hear all about your adventures!

Love, Savannah (and Matt)

Jennifer Coy said...

Mike, this is from my mom....

Hi, Mike! Did you think that I wouldn't write you before your great trip is over? This is your favorite mother-in-law! Just wanted to update you on Alden's activities since you have been gone. She had her 2nd roping lesson, and is doing just great. And, Grandpa is teaching her all the tricks. So, hurry home before she turns into a cowgirl.

Have a wonderful time, be safe, see ya soon!

Jody and Jim

Unknown said...

This is fantastic. It took me a while to correctly pronounce phuket. I kept repeating it over and over again in my head and I think I got it now. Other than that, all of the reading and pictures has been true enjoyment.

-Thank you-

Linda said...

This is a late post as I have been without computer access for many days in the very far off land of San Francisco. Thank you for your call...I would no doubt have called out the national guard by now (I know my friend Pat could call the President and arrange it!). I am most anxious to hear everything when your feet are on US soil and someone has checked you out to make sure you're not contageous!!!
Love to you both!
PS Would like to be invited to said slide show... I'll be in charge of popcorn.