Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Volunteer Travel - Would you do it?

So, I would like to take a poll. Since I think Chris and I might be the only two people that read this blog, the results might be a little misleading, but regardless, I would like to find out how many people would take a volunteer trip?

For anyone who has not heard of volunteer travel or do not know what it entails, let me break it down for you. Basically, you travel to the country of your choice where you work for a specified amount of time on a volunteer project. The nations and projects are extremely varied so that participants can chose a program which they are passionate about. The participants are required to pay for their flight, accommodation and sometimes food and are (obviously) not paid for their work. In the past, volunteer travel has mostly been regulated to church groups or medical teams, however volunteer travel has become a more mainstream form of travel.

The advantages to volunteer tourism is the unique way of giving back. Many have described the experience as life-altering and extremely rewarding. The only real question would be, would you use a week of your vacation to travel abroad and volunteer? I know that some people would have a hard time with this prospect. Personally, I love the idea and plan on going sometime next year, but not everyone has the flexibility I do.

So would you?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I've taken two volunteer trips. They were amazing and I would do it again in a heart beat. We definitely did more than just work, although we did work hard. Why not give back? Best way to learn about a new culture.