Friday, July 25, 2008

I want to be 'cleared'

After standing in one ridiculously long airport line after another, it looks like someone had the entrepreneurial insight to make the process easier.....for a price. Clear, a credit-card sized card chalked full of all necessary personal information helps travelers quickly circumvent those annoying baggage check lines.

This is how it works. Apply to Clear, you must submit your personal information and agree to all the terms and conditions of the card. After your application has been reviewed then Clear, then you must attend a face to face meeting, where the company can verify your identity. After a $128 dollar yearly membership fee, you are ready to fly around the world hassle free,

Well almost. Obviously, anyone who has been behind the guy with 12 carry-ons, stinky feet and no idea what he is doing, really wants this card. But this service is only available in 20 U.S. Airports, and of that number some are only available in certain terminals.

In my opinion this service is not yet worth it for the majority of travelers, but chances are it might be soon. The service who has 175,000 members currently has made it the largest private sector registered-travel program to date. And in June, Delta airlines became the first major carrier to back the plan and the Air Transport Association (ATA) highly recommends a private sector business to enter the screening process, because " the money would be better spent improving security for everyone." Ouch TSA!!!

Personally, I love the idea of getting this card and easily getting through security. But not until the process is a bit more universal. I am so excited that finally private business are beginning to intercede in the mess of security screening that TSA cannot handle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does this mean in giving your personal information that you're cleared through security?
great idea!