Thursday, February 21, 2008

What has been your greatest discovery while traveling?

This question makes me envision Harrison Ford picking up the holy grail right after some guy's face melts off. Yummy. But besides all you treasure hunters out there, this question should be considered much more broad. In all the places you have visited is there a single treasure you hold dear? It does not need to be an object, it could be a feeling, a place, a personal awakening.

When traveling with a girlfriend, she told me one of the best discoveries was in the vastness of the world itself. I agree completely and believe that travel in itself a form of discovery. Each new location I am introduced to, I find something to relish. However, if I am forced to chose 1 paramount discovery, it has be human kindness. Whether it is the Frenchman taking an extra moment in broken english to explain the metro system; the the Spanish woman who took a picture for me even though she had never used a camera before; or the Australian woman who gave me a ride in Tasmania because I sat next to her on the plane. I will never forget any of these encounters and with each trip I always seem to find myself in new situations where human kindness overwhelms me.

Share some of your stories. What is your greatest discovery while traveling?


Chris Tharp said...

I was once on the outskirts of the jungle in Siem Reap, Cambodia and saw a spotted gecko with three feet grow a fourth foot in front of my eyes.

Jessica said...

I will not believe this until I see it on your so-called "lost" video footage

AZChelsea said...

Okay, Chris....LOL!!! I can't stop laughing at your comment! I spent a month galavanting around the amazing landscape of Namibia and spent a day intrenched among the Himba people. They are one of the last tribal people in the world who refuse to become "westernized"....they are the most beautiful, fascinating people and I was so struck by the simplicity of their lives....their skin is covered in a red clay and they are mostly naked only half covered with animal skins....amazing. I will never forget that day with them.
Chelsea in Tucson