Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Pangaea According to Fox News.....

For all of my Mensa friends out there, here's a question: What do Fox News, rising gas prices, and Pangaea Travel have in common?

Guess #1: Absolutely nothing. Ummm.... close, but no.
Guess #2: They are all rad. No. Clearly, Pangaea only qualifies as rad. Fox News gets a "neat", and rising gas prices... well, I don't really want to say what I think about that.
Guess #3: I'm not sure, but there was a news story on this last Friday. Bingo.

Yep, last Friday we had a brief feature on the local Fox News 6 station here in San Diego. Our green measures are being noticed! We think our eco-commitment and carbon offsetting initiatives are big news, and it's nice to see others picking up on it. To view the feature, please click on this link and play the video on the right side of the screen. To read more about the environmental incentives of booking with our company, check out our Web site.

Taking a cruise? A tour? Flight? Booking a hotel room? Let us book it, and we'll make it GREEN! It'll be the same price, and there's no additional charge... Why not!


Sarah said...

you guys look great on the video!!! very professional.

AZChelsea said...

So cool! So professional and I really hope that little segment makes people curious about your business. That is too RAD.