Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My "to do" list

A few years ago Chris and I were taking about his "100 things to do before I die" list. He had this elaborate list of all his special plans...one of which graces our website, where Chris is doing a handstand in front of the Pyramids. It inspired me to sit down and make my own list chalk full of the normal, #9. get married, and the ridiculous #34 take a picture with a penguin in South Africa.

I had a lot of fun taking the time to think about the things I really wanted out of my life. I admit that a large percent of what made my list is travel related items (i mean what can be more fun than fulling crazy travel dreams). However, I think it is also import to have some long terms reminders of what is important in life (other than getting hammered at Mardi Gras- #78).

I have included very adult endeavors, #2 buy a house and other not so adult endeavors, #87 Ride all the rides at 6 flags. I have added things I can do soon, #12 go a wine tour in Napa, to future aspirations #52 have a gold anniversary.

So, now I have to ask...what types of things are on your bucket list?


Unknown said...

what a great idea. i think i'm going to take some time to figure mine out...

Audrey Finley said...

I loved reading your blog, even though I thought I knew you. Actually, I did take pictures of penguins in South Africa, but not yet in Antartica. So much to do.

Jessica said...

Mom- You thought you knew me!!!! Was it the drinking comment?