Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Where's Waldo?

I loved those Where's Waldo books when I was younger. I recall with some detail holing up in my Grandparent's back room searching for hours for Waldo until my eyes would ache and my vision would blur. As a side note, does anyone start seeing those weird prism's out of the corner of their eyes when they haven't blinked in like an hour? I'm weird I know, but seriously, give me a Where's Waldo book, or an endless Excel document and it's only a matter of time before those prism's appear..... Bizarre. Anyhow, back to Waldo - For any of you not familiar, as you can see in the picture, Waldo was this guy in a candy cane-esque shirt who would travel to everyday places, or countries, and you'd have to find him in a dizzying array of people, objects, and distractions. Think of 5,000 similar looking people in a chaotic beach scene with dogs, lifeguards and just about any other thing you can imagine, all drawn into the span of a page and you'll get some idea of what the book was about. Great stuff. I mention this because we have started this feature in our monthly newsletter that is sort of along the same lines and it has become quite popular: Guess the Photo. It's really pretty simple, and we figured we'd add a version to the blog as well, so here are the ground-rules:

1. If you guess the location of the mystery photo below, first, you win.
2. The first person to write the correct answer in the comments section will be the winner.
3. The prize is a $25 gift certificate to Adventure 16.

Good luck!
P.S. As we have learned that our readers are better at this than we had anticipated, I have posted a tougher photo for this first blog installment!

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