Friday, May 2, 2008

Love mom, love our planet

With mother's day just around the corner, I thought it would be nice to provide some suggestions for some eco-friendly products. And by this, I do not suggest you go out and buy your mother some energy-efficient light bulbs, instead find something she will really love.

1. Not sure about you, but my mom still maintains a bit of her 'hippie' persona from her days of living in SF and doing God knows what at Jimi Hendrix concerts (love you mom). For many mom's going organic is like stepping back into a tight pair of bellbottom jeans, it just feels right. Organic candles (using soy instead and natural aromatherapy oils) is a fun gift that you mom can truly appreaciate. Not only do these candles have less toxins when lit, but use less chemicals to produce. Q Candles are some of my favorites (

2. What mom does not want a great bottle of wine on her special day, especially when they can have one of the eco-friendly variety. These wines are created without chemicals using a biological sustainable method. Trader Joe's and Whole foods have great selections. Toast to mom and the fact that she has put up with you for all these years!

2. Let's face it, girls love flowers. We love the way it feels to receive them (maybe its the inner beauty queen in all of us). Why not give mom organically grown flowers this mother's day. Not only are you making a better choice environmentally, but you are protecting farm workers from working with dangerous chemicals. (

So what are you going to give your mom next Sunday?

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