Friday, June 6, 2008

The comfy traveler

I am lucky enough to be blessed with the gift of sleep. What I mean by this is I can pretty much sleep any where or at any time without a problem. But I am aware that most travelers are not so lucky and have a very hard time becoming comfy enough to get in a quick nap. My boyfriend is a perfect example of this.... I call him 'high-maintenance sleep guy'. So due to the fact that I am leaving for Cabo tomorrow (insert high pitch squeal of joy here) I thought I would showcase some good products for making travel as comfy as possible.

1. The cabin cuddler- you might look like a giant swaddled infant, but these things sure are comfy! I am always freezing on plane rides and these keep you so warm. Plus you don't have to use a airline blanket that probably has not been washed in two years.

2. For those of you fearful of all the germs lurking on a plane, this is a good investment. Its called the plane sheet and it is literally just that. Plus, I love the patterns!

3. And who wants to use those old outdated neck pillows? Why not just go all out and have a pillow in the shape of a monkey? Technically it is made for kids, but still.

4. Magellan's self inflating seat cushion. Not for people just out of hemorrhoid surgery, this pillow alleviates pain in your lower back caused by continuous sitting.


AZChelsea said...

okay that cabin cuddler is AWESOME! Wish I would've thought of that first...same with the seat cover! What the heck are people going to come up with next? Enjoy Cabo!

Sarah said...

high maintenance sleepers? you don't understand the pain!!!!